> Sandy Denny > Pictures #10

Sandy Denny Pictures #10
Concert Pictures, Rarities & Wallpaper

The following pictures were contributed by John Penhallow of the Australian Friends of Folk.
You will recognise some of them but these are prints from the original negatives. Much appreciated, thanks John!

... Absolutely gorgeous ...
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In concert.
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In concert.
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Sandy & Trevor in concert.
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Beautiful hair...
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Sandy, Trevor, Miranda.
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A promo poster.
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A really stunning portrait.
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In concert.
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In concert.
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See instructions below

Sandy Denny Wallpaper for Your Desktop

Stewart Lawler from Australia created this interesting blurred desktop wallpaper. He currently uses it on his Mac office computer and wanted to share it with us. Apart from the original Mac version, two downsized versions are available for Windows '95 PC systems. These may also work for Win 3.x and Windows NT systems.

How to install the wallpaper onto a Windows '95 PC system

First, select the desired screen resolution from the list below. Wait until your browser has finished loading the picture. Recent versions of Netscape and Iexplore can install the wallpaper automatically for you. Just right-click on the picture and select “Set as wallpaper”. If you want to change or remove it later, use Start-Settings-Control Panel. Double-click the “Display” icon. Select the “Background” tab and set your wallpaper to something else (or to “none”).

PC wallpaper, 640 x 480 pixels (s640.jpg, 27 Kbytes)
PC wallpaper, 800 x 600 pixels (s800.jpg, 72 Kbytes)
Mac wallpaper, 1166 x 850 pixels (sandy_bl.jpg, 109 Kbytes)

For a 1024x768 or better PC, use the Mac version. You must have a 16.7 million colours adapter (or better). If you don't, do not install the wallpaper because it will not look good. On a standard 16.7 million colours system, it looks great.

Thanks to Stewart Lawler and John Penhallow.