> Folk Music > Songs > Scotland Yet

Scotland Yet

[Davy Steele]

Davy Steele sang his own song Scotland Yet on his 1997 album Chasing Shadows. Karine Polwart sang it in 2011 on a Greentrax anthology recorded for the 10th anniversary of Davy Steele’s death, Steele the Show.

Old Blind Dogs sang Scotland Yet in 2010 on their Compass album Wherever Yet May Be. Aaron Jones noted:

I was very fortunate to have worked with the late Davy Steele. As well as being a great support and inspiration in my early days on the road, Davy was also a great songwriter. Missed by all that knew him, there are so many great Davy Steele songs that I could have chosen, but this one struck a chord and is still as relevant as the day it was written.

Blue Rose Code with Beth Malcolm and Zervas & Pepper sang Scotland Yet on his 2017 album Live at the Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh. This track was also included in 2023 on hia anthology Curious (2009-2020).

Hannah Rarity sang Scotland Yet on a March 2021 download single and on her 2022 album To Have You Near.

Iona Fyfe sang Scotland Yet on an April 2021 download single.


Davy Steele sings Scotland Yet

Gie noo a thocht to what we hae, in this land o’ the leal.
The Highland glen, the Doric stream, the fertile Lowland field
They seem tae offer different views when looked at from within,
Cin strangers be the only eyes to see it aw’ as yin?

Chorus (after each verse):
The choice will be upon us soon tae set oor destiny
I’ll drink a toast tae Scotland Yet, whatever Yet may be.

Oor mither tongue spoke different weys that past tae present ties
Each separate and yet entwined, that’s where oor real strength lies
For should one strand unwind itself the others tae forsake
Than aw would be forever lost fur aw the strands would break.

While we still seek to blame oor woes and pains on someone else
We’ll never have the strength tae solve oor problems for oorselves
In truth we fought each other mair, learn this from oor past
Then together we can choose fur oorsells at last.


David Steele’s blog entry Scotland Yet