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Everyman’s Book of English Country Songs

Everyman’s Book of English Country Songs

Roy Palmer (editor)
Everyman’s Book of English Country Songs
London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1979
ISBN 0 460 12048 4

The Songs

I. Fellows That Follow the Plough: Work

  1. The Green Grass (Roud 169)
  2. The Oxen Ploughing (Roud 686)
  3. All Jolly Fellows That Follow the Plough (Roud 346; G/D 3:418)
  4. The Ploughboy (Roud 1205)
  5. Twanky-Dillo (Roud 2409)
  6. The Blacksmith (Roud 1468)
  7. A Lincolnshire Shepherd (Roud 1469)
  8. Come All You Valiant Shepherds (Roud 1470)
  9. Pleasant Month of May (Roud 153; Henry H697)
  10. Turnit Hoeing (Roud 1376)
  11. The Rosebuds in June (Roud 812)
  12. Tarry Woo’ (Roud 1472)
  13. The Rambling Comber (Roud 1473)
  14. The Reaphook and Sickle (Roud 1375)
  15. All of a Row (Roud 1474)
  16. The Jolly Waggoners (Roud 1088)
  17. The Country Lass (Roud 606)
  18. The Farmer’s Boy (Roud 408; Laws Q30; G/D 5:960)
  19. Joe the Carrier’s Lad (Roud 1080; G/D 3:457; Henry H171)
  20. The Old Cock Crows (Roud 1752)

II. A Health to the Master: Deference and Protest

  1. Harvest Home Song (Roud 310)
  2. God Speed the Plough (Roud 1475)
  3. The Jolly Thresher (Roud 19; G/D 3:437; Henry H622, 117)
  4. The Old Farmer (Roud 1178)
  5. The Rigs of the Time (Roud 876)
  6. The Labouring Man (Roud 1156)
  7. The New-Fashioned Farmer (Roud 1476)
  8. The Tythe Pig (Roud 574; TYG 45)
  9. The Parson and the Clerk (Roud 1154)
  10. The Mare and the Foal (Roud 1477)
  11. Good King Arthur (Roud 130; G/D 3:704)
  12. The Miller and His Three Sons (Roud 138; Laws Q21; G/D 3:703)
  13. We Poor Labouring Men (Roud 1394)
  14. Mutton Pie (Roud 1408; TYG 30)
  15. O the Roast Beef of Old England: New Version (Roud 1481)
  16. An Old Man’s Advice (Roud 1482)
  17. I’ve Lived in Service (Roud 1483)
  18. The Brisk Young Butcher (Roud 167; G/D 7:1466)
  19. Rap-a-Tap (Roud 792)
  20. The Rest of the Day’s Your Own (Roud 1485)

III. The Gallows Tree: Crime

  1. Robin Hood and the Pedlar (Roud 333; Child 132)
  2. Spare Me the Life of Georgie (Roud 90; Child 209; G/D 2:249)
  3. Gilderoy (Roud 1486)
  4. The Three Butchers (Roud 17; Laws L4; G/D 2:186; Henry H185)
  5. Bod Turpin (Roud 621; Laws L10)
  6. Box Upon Her Head (Roud 289; Laws L3; G/D 2:268)
  7. Salisbury Plain (Roud 1487)
  8. Australia (Roud 1488)
  9. The Lincolnshire Poacher (Roud 299)
  10. The Nottingham Poacher (Roud 222)
  11. Lads of High Renown (Roud 793; Laws L14)
  12. Van Diemen’s Land (Roud 519; Laws L18; G/D 2:252)
  13. Hares in the Old Plantation (Roud 363)
  14. Row Dow Dow (Roud 902)
  15. Henry, My Son (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814)
  16. The Babes in the Wood (Roud 288; Laws Q34)
  17. Hanged I Shall Be (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
  18. The False-Hearted Knight (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
  19. It’s of a Farmer (Roud 18; Laws M32)
  20. The Prickle Holly Bush (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248)
  21. Maria Marten (Roud 215)

IV. Once I Loved a Lass: Courtship

  1. As I Was A-Walking (Roud 1059)
  2. Green Bushes (Roud 1040; Laws P2; Henry H143)
  3. Lovely Joan (Roud 592)
  4. Broomfield Hill (Roud 34; Child 43; G/D 2:322; Henry H135)
  5. The Crockery Ware (Roud 1490)
  6. Three Maids A-Milking (Roud 290)
  7. The Spotted Cow (Roud 956)
  8. The Mower (Roud 833)
  9. The Ploughman’s Glory (Roud 151)
  10. The Barley Rakings (Roud 1024; G/D 6:1154)
  11. The Nutting Girl (Roud 509; G/D 7:1475)
  12. The Thrashing Machine (Roud 1491)
  13. The Miller’s Song (Roud 1128)
  14. O Once I Loved a Lass (Roud 21234)
  15. The Knife in the Window (Roud 32572)
  16. Seventeen Come Sunday (Roud 277; Laws O17; G/D 4:791; Henry H152, H793)
  17. The Cuckoo (Roud 413; G/D 6:1157; Henry H479)
  18. The Banks of Sweet Primroses (Roud 586; G/D 8:1841)
  19. Fare Thee Well, Cold Winter (Roud 1034, 803; Henry H504)
  20. The Waters of Tyne (Roud 1364)
  21. The Brisk Young Sailor (Roud 60; Laws P25; G/D 6:1169, 6:1170; Henry H683)
  22. Sheepcrook and Black Dog (Roud 948; Henry H30a)
  23. The Seeds of Love (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)

V. The Charming Bride: Marriage

  1. The Ensilver Song (Roud 1492)
  2. Tuesday Morning (Roud 579)
  3. Bonny Blue Handkerchief (Roud 378; G/D 5:1040; Henry H161ab)
  4. When Shall We Get Married, John? (Roud 313)
  5. Three Weeks Before Easter (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
  6. The Charming Bride (Roud 608; G/D 5:983; TYG 36)
  7. The Cuckoo’s Nest (Roud 1506)
  8. Raking the Hay (Roud 855)
  9. The Foggy Dew (Roud 558; Laws O3; G/D 7:1495)
  10. The Pretty Ploughboy (Roud 186; Laws M24; G/D 1:170; Henry H105)
  11. The Bonny Labouring Boy (Roud 1162; Laws M14; Henry H576)
  12. The Dumb Maid (Roud 434; Laws Q5; G/D 6:1289)
  13. Come All You Young Ladies and Gentlemen (Roud 1507)
  14. Willy Went to Westerdale (Roud 2792; TYG 1)
  15. Oh, It Was My Cruel Parents (Roud 2897; G/D 7:1362)
  16. Hey Down Derry (Roud 210)
  17. The Parson with the Wooden Leg (Roud 1508)
  18. It’s of an Old Couple (Roud 491)
  19. Coming Home Late (Roud 114; Child 274; G/D 7:1460; Henry H21ab)
  20. The Molecatcher (Roud 1052)
  21. The Groggy Old Tailor (Roud 311; G/D 7:1463)
  22. The Grey Hawk (Roud 293)
  23. The Trees They Do Grow High (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
  24. The Dark-Eyed Sailor (Roud 265; Laws N35; G/D 5:1037; Henry H232)

VI. Up to the Rigs: Sport and Diversion

  1. Up to the Rigs (Roud 868; G/D 2:299)
  2. I’m a Young Man from the Country (Roud 1510)
  3. Rotherham Statutes (Roud 1511)
  4. Sedgefield Fair (Roud 294; TYG 15)
  5. Strawberry Fair (Roud 173)
  6. Home From the Fair (Roud 1513)
  7. I Went to Market (Roud 544; G/D 8:1666)
  8. John Barleycorn (Roud 164; G/D 3:559)
  9. When Jones’s Ale Was New (Roud 139; G/D 3:561)
  10. The Barley Mow (Roud 944, 10722)
  11. The Punch Ladle (Roud 880)
  12. Good English Ale (Roud 1512, 2414)
  13. Mowing Match Song (Roud 1143)
  14. Wa’ney Cockfeightin’ Sang (Roud 211; TYG 81)
  15. The Bell Ringing (Roud 1515)
  16. I’Anson’s Racehorse (Roud 176)
  17. Hare Hunting Song (Roud 580)
  18. The Huntsman (Roud 1182)
  19. We’ll All Go A-Hunting Today (Roud 1172)

VII. The Life of a Man: Seasons and Ceremonies

  1. The Seasons (Roud 1180)
  2. What’s the Life of a Man? (Roud 848)
  3. Apple Tree Wassail (Roud 209)
  4. Shrove Tuesday Song (Roud 1516)
  5. Pace Egging Song (Roud 614; TYG 53)
  6. Swinton May Song (Roud 305)
  7. Peterborough May Song (Roud 305)
  8. Helston Furry Dance (Roud 1520)
  9. Bell Tune (Roud 1516)
  10. The Mallard (Roud 1517)
  11. Herrings’ Head (Roud 128; TYG 31)
  12. Souling Song (Roud 304)
  13. The Old Horse (Roud 513; TYG 60)
  14. Six Jolly Miners (Roud 877; TYG 61)
  15. The Fleecy Care (Roud 1518)
  16. Hunting the Wren (Roud 236)
  17. The Grampound Wassail (Roud 209)
  18. The Derby Tup (Roud 126; G/D 3:645; TYG 59)
  19. One, O (Roud 133)
  20. The Tree in the Wood (Roud 129; G/D 8:1668)