> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers: Oldham’s Burning Sands

The Oldham Tinkers: Oldham’s Burning Sands

The Oldham Tinkers: Oldham’s Burning Sands (Topic 12TS206)

Oldham’s Burning Sands
Ballads, Songs and Daft Ditties
The Oldham Tinkers

Topic Records 12TS206 (LP, UK, 1971)
Topic Records TSDL206 (DL, UK, 2009)

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Recorded at TPA Studios, 1971;
Produced by A.L. Lloyd;
Sleeve notes by A.L. Lloyd;
Photography by Benny Kearns;
Sleeve design by Humphrey Weightman


John Howarth: vocals [1, 3-4, 8-20], chorus [1, 5-9, 14], mandolin, banjo, concertina;
Gerry Kearns: vocals [3, 5, 7, 10, 12-13], chorus [1, 5-9, 14], guitar;
Larry Kearns: vocals [2-3, 6, 10-11, 14], chorus [1, 5-9, 14], guitar, mandolin, whistle


Side 1

  1. Success to the Weavers (2.56)
  2. The Lancashire Miller (3.20)
  3. Charlie Chaplin (Roud 10558) (3.39)
  4. Eawr Market Neet (4.48)
  5. The Owdam Chap’s Visit to th’ Queen (3.18)
  6. In Our Town (3.33)
  7. Oldham’s Burning Sands (2.54)

Side 2

  1. A Fine Old English Gentleman (2.30)
  2. Peterloo (4.39)
  3. We’re Off in a Motor Car (2.32)
  4. The Oldham Pensioner (2.28)
  5. The Stockport Strike (2.11)
  6. Th’ Childer’s Holiday (2.19)
  7. The Owl of Oldham (3.51)

> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers: Best o’ t’ Bunch

The Oldham Tinkers: Best o’ t’ Bunch

The Oldham Tinkers: Best o’ t’ Bunch (Topic 12TS237)

Best o’ t’ Bunch
Back Street Songs of Lancashire
The Oldham Tinkers

Topic Records 12TS237 (LP, UK, 1974)
Topic Records TSDL237 (DL, UK, December 2009)

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Recorded at Livingston Studios;
Produced by Tony Engle;
Sleeve illustration by Jim Andrew;
Sleeve design by Ken Lees;
Notes by A.L. Lloyd and The Oldham Tinkers


John Howard: vocals [1-3, 6-8, 10, 13, 15], chorus [4, 11-12], banjo [1, 4, 15];
Gerry Kearns: vocals [1, 3, 5, 8-9, 12, 15], chorus [4, 7, 10-11], guitar [1-7, 12-15];
Larry Kearns: vocals [3-4, 8, 11, 14], chorus [7, 10, 12, 15], mandolin [1, 12, 15], whistle [2]


Side 1

  1. The Rochdale Mashers (2.40)
  2. Seeing Double (4.38)
  3. The Pennine Rangers (1.24)
  4. The Two Jews (2.44)
  5. A Piecer’s Tale (3.20)
  6. Best o’t’ Bunch (2.30)
  7. The Lancashire Toreador (3.13)

Side 2

  1. A Cob-Coaling Medley (2.01)
  2. The Four-Loom Weaver (Roud 937) (2.51)
  3. John Willie’s Ragtime Band (3.07)
  4. Platt’s (1.33)
  5. Good Time Coming (2.19)
  6. I Mean to Wait for Jack (3.21)
  7. Skiing Owdham Style (2.16)
  8. A Mon Like Thee (3.54)

All tracks trad. except
Track 3 John Cassidy;
Track 5 words trad., music Gerry Kearns;
Track 6 Harvey Kershaw / Kearns;
Tracks 7, 10 unknown;
Track 14 Kearns / Kearns;
Track 15 Edmund Hill

> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers: For Old Time’s Sake

The Oldham Tinkers: For Old Time’s Sake

The Oldham Tinkers: For Old Time’s Sake (Topic 12TS276)

For Old Time’s Sake
The Oldham Tinkers

Topic Records 12TS276 (LP, UK, 1975)
Pier Records PIER CD 507 (CD, UK, 2006)
Topic Records TSDL276 (DL, UK, January 2010)

The Oldham Tinkers: For Old Time’s Sake (Pier PIER CD 507)
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LP recorded by Tony Engle, London, July 1975;
except track 12 recorded by Pete Johnson at Piccadilly Radio Studios, July 1975;
Produced by Tony Engle;
Notes by The Oldham Tinkers and A.L. Lloyd;
Sleeve picture: “Children’s Games” by Tom Dodson;
Sleeve design by Tony Engle


John Howarth: vocals [1, 3-4, 6-7, 9, 11-12], chorus [5, 8, 12, 14], banjo [4, 7, 9, 11];
Gerry Kearns: vocals [2, 4, 8-16], chorus [3, 5, 12, 14], guitar [1-11];
Larry Kearns: vocals [4-5, 9, 11-15], chorus [3, 5, 12, 14], mandolin [1, 3-4, 6-7, 9, 11], whistle [3, 9]


Side 1

  1. Signora (4.33)
  2. Eaur Joe’s Lad (1.31)
  3. John Willie’s Horse (2.59)
  4. Barefoot Days Medley (3.38)
  5. Lancashire Witches (3.30)
  6. Come Whoam to Thi Childer an’ Me (6.15)

Side 2

  1. Johnny Bugger (2.18)
  2. Billy Winker (5.31)
  3. Bits o’ Bromley Street (4.09)
  4. The Condemned Cell (3.00)
  5. The Maypole (1.53)
  6. For Old Time’s Sake (3.13)

CD Bonus Tracks from Oldham’s Burning Sands

  1. The Lancashire Miller (3.18)
  2. In Our Town (3.27)
  3. The Oldham Pensioner (2.23)
  4. The Childrens Holiday (2.15)

CD Bonus Track from Deep Lancashire

  1. Hop Hop Hop (2.46)

All tracks trad. arr. The Oldham Tinkers except
Track 1 Billy Merson, O’Connor, Ross;
Track 6 Edwin Waugh / The Oldham Tinkers

> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers: Sit Thee Down

The Oldham Tinkers: Sit Thee Down

The Oldham Tinkers: Sit Thee Down (Topic 12TS323)

Sit Thee Down
The Oldham Tinkers

Topic Records 12TS323 (LP, UK, 1977)
Pier Records PIERCD 505 (CD w/ bonus tracks, UK, 2002)
Topic Records TSDL323 (DL, UK, February 2010)

The Oldham Tinkers: Sit Thee Down (Pier PIERCD 505)
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Recorded and produced by Tony Engle, London, January 1977;
CD bonus tracks recorded by Bill Leader in 1968;
Notes by Larry Kearne;
Illustration by John Atkinson;
Sleeve design by Tony Engle


John Howarth: vocals [1, 3-11, 13-18], banjo [4, 6, 12-14, 17-18], whistle [1-2];
Gerry Kearns: vocals [1, 3-4, 6-8, 10, 13-15, 17-18], guitar [1-4, 6-18];
Larry Kearns: vocals [2-4, 6-9, 12, 14-15, 17-18], mandolin [3, 6, 10-11, 13-14, 17-18], whistle [1, 9, 15-16]


Side 1

  1. The Maid in the Calico Dress (4.05)
  2. Elsie Bell (3.34)
  3. Pity Me My Darling (1.41)
  4. The Talking Dog (4.18)
  5. To Sarah (2.17)
  6. Tall Tales Medley (2.55)
  7. Sit Thee Down (3.30)

Side 2

  1. John Willie’s Ferret (4.10)
  2. The Deserter (3.48)
  3. Poor Little Hauve-Timer (3.10)
  4. Dad’s Medals (3.36)
  5. Fishing (2.18)
  6. Jumping Jack (2.36)
  7. Jim’s Medley (2.42)

CD Bonus Tracks

  1. Coalhole Medley (2.36)
  2. Seaur Pies (2.42)
  3. Owdham Edge (2.25)
  4. Down at Our School (3.28)

All tracks trad. arr. Oldham Tinkers except
Track 1 words Henry Nutter, music Gerry Kearns;
Track 2, 8, 12 words Larry Kearns, music Gerry Kearns;
Tracks 5, 11 words Cliff Gerrard;
Track 7 Teddy Whittle;
Track 10 words Harvey Fitton, music Gerry Kearns;
Track 13 words Eric Holt, music Gerry Kearns;
Track 17 words John Howarth

> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers: That Lancashire Band

The Oldham Tinkers: That Lancashire Band

The Oldham Tinkers: That Lancashire Band (Topic 12TS399)

That Lancashire Band
The Oldham Tinkers

Topic Records 12TS399 (LP, UK, 1979)
Pier Records PIERCD 504 (CD w/ bonus tracks, UK, 2000)
Topic Records TSDL399 (DL, UK, March 2010)

The Oldham Tinkers: That Lancashire Band (Pier PIERCD 504)
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Recorded by John Brierley, Cargo Recording Studio, Rochdale, April 1979;
Produced by Tony Russell;
Notes by Larry Kearns;
Sleeve illustration and design by John Atkinson


John Howarth: vocals [1-4, 6, 8-10, 13-16], speech [5, 12], banjo [1, 4, 9, 13-16], whistle [7, 13], bones [14];
Gerry Kearns: vocals [1-2, 4, 6-11, 13-14, 16], guitar [1, 4-5, 7-8, 10, 12-17], banjo [16], bass drum [14];
Larry Kearns: vocals [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13-14, 17], mandolin [1-5, 9, 12, 15-16], whistle [7, 10, 13]

Chris Holmes: piano [3, 6];
Pete Taylor: bass [6];
Pete Staples: drums [6]


Side 1

  1. Old May Song (3.04)
  2. John Willie’s Performing Newt (3.22)
  3. Nowt About Owt (3.37)
  4. Children’s Chants & Songs (Captain’s Medley) (3.27)
  5. Eawr House / As Was (2.10)
  6. Oh! That Lancashire Jazz Band (5.58)

Side 2

  1. The Lark (3.06)
  2. John Willie’s Grand-Dad (2.30)
  3. Tribute To Owd Paddy (2.32)
  4. Old King Coal (3.00)
  5. Steeple Jack (1.36)
  6. The Crime Lake Boggart (2.25)
  7. An Oldham Rugby Medley (3.17)
  8. McCarthy’s Party (3.49)

CD Bonus Tracks From Owdham Edge

  1. Earw Sarah’s Getten’ a Chap (2.37)
  2. Canute (4.05)
  3. Toddlin’ Whoam (1.46)

Track 1 trad., Gerry Kearne;
Tracks 2, 7-8, Larry Kearne, Gerry Kearne;
Track 3 Ernest Butcher & Melvin;
Track 4, 10, 13 trad. arr. Oldham Tinkers;
Track 5 Gerrard;
Track 6 Stanley & Allen;
Track 9 Gerrard, Gerry Kearns;
Track 11 anon., Gerry Kearns;
Track 12 CFC / trad. arr. Oldham Tinkers;
Track 14 A. Dare;
Track 15 Fitton / trad. arr. Oldham Tinkers;
Track 16 Harvey Kershaw, John Howarth;
Track 17 Edwin Waugh, Larry Kearne, Gerry Kearne

> Folk Music > Records > An Introduction to The Oldham Tinkers

An Introduction to The Oldham Tinkers

An Introduction to The Oldham Tinkers (Topic TICD013)

An Introduction to
The Oldham Tinkers

Topic Records TICD013 (CD, UK, 19 October 2018)

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This is a compilation of The Oldham Tinkers’ Topic albums. For musicians and credits see the individual album descriptions.


  1. Oldhams Burning Sands (2.54)
  2. A Fine Old English Gentleman (2.30)
  3. Peterloo (4.39)
  4. The Lancashire Miller (3.20)
  5. Charlie Chaplin (Roud 10558) (3.39)
  6. Seeing Double (4.38)
  7. The Four-Loom Weaver (Roud 937) (2.51)
  8. Best o’ t’ Bunch (2.30)
  9. Billy Winker (5.31)
  10. For Old Time’s Sake (3.13)
  11. The Maypole (1.53)
  12. Pity Me My Darling (1.38)
  13. Jumping Jack (2.33)
  14. Eawr House / As Was (2.10)
  15. The Lark (3.06)
  16. McCarthy’s Party (3.49)
  17. A Mon Like Thee (3.54)

Tracks 1-5 from Oldham’s Burning Sands (12TS206, 1971);
Tracks 6-8, 17 from Best o’ t’ Bunch (12TS237, 1974);
Tracks 9-11 from For Old Time’s Sake (12TS276, 1975);
Track 12-13 from Sit Thee Down (12TS323, 1977);
Tracks 14-16 from That Lancashire Band (12TS299, 1979);

> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers: A Lancashire Grace

The Oldham Tinkers: A Lancashire Grace

The Oldham Tinkers: A Lancashire Grace (Limefield)

A Lancashire Grace
The Oldham Tinkers

Limefield Records (DL, UK, 6 August 2021)

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Recorded by Dave Howard at his studio in Bury, Lancashire;
Mixed and mastered by John Ellis and Will Falkiner at Limefield Studios, Middleton


John Howarth: vocals [2, 4-5, 7, 9-10, 12], chorus [6, 11, 13], banjo [1-3, 10-14], concertina [4], whistle [8];
Gerry Kearns: vocals [1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10-13], chorus [1, 6, 13], guitar [1-5, 8-14];
Dave Howard: mandolin [1-5, 8-14], chorus [1, 6, 11, 13]


  1. Alphin (3.49)
  2. Remember Annie Kenney (3.53)
  3. Charlie Brown Medley: Good Old Charlie Brown / How Does a Brown Cow Make White Milk / Sammy Shunter (2.00)
  4. Cradle Song (3.59)
  5. Jemmy’s Garden (2.42)
  6. Mossley Corporation Pop (2.59)
  7. A Lancashire Grace (0.33)
  8. A Mountain to Mourn (3.28)
  9. Mrs. Peet (3.01)
  10. Ten Oldham Men (No Pasaran) (4.26)
  11. Peace Be Upon You (3.29)
  12. When the Sun Goes Down (2.09)
  13. It’s a Long Way to Tipperary (3.30)

Tracks 1, 6 Gerry Kearns;
Track 2 words Gerry Kearns, music chorus Gerry Kearns, verses trad. bases on Bonnie Lassie O;
Track 3ab trad.;
Track 3c words trad., music Gerry Kearns;
Track 4 poem by Edwin Waugh (1817-1890), music Gerry Kearns;
Track 5 poem Cliff Gerard (-2000), music trad. The Garden Where the Praties Grow;
Track 7 Harvey Kershaw MBE;
Track 8 words Gerry Kearns, music trad. Mountains of Mourne;
Track 9 poem Cliff Gerard (-2000), music Gerry Kearns;
Track 12 poem by Edwin Waugh (1817-1890), music Robert Jackson;
Track 13 Jack Judge, Harry Williams (1912)

> Folk Music > Records > The Oldham Tinkers

Other records with the Oldham Tinkers

Deep Lancashire (Topic 12T188) Various Artists, Deep Lancashire, LP, Topic 12T188, 1968

Owdham Edge (Topic 12T204) Various Artists, Owdham Edge, LP, Topic 12T204, 1970

The Iron Muse (Topic TSCD465) Various Artists, The Iron Muse: A Panorama of Industrial Folk Music, CD, Topic TSCD465, 1993

And We'll All Have Tea (Proper / Retro R2CD 40-106) Various Artists, And We'll All Have Tea… English Folk Anthology, 2 CD, Proper / Retro R2CD 40-106, 2000

Three Score and Ten (Topic TOPIC70) Various Artists, Three Score and Ten: 70 Years of Topic Records, 7 CD, Topic TOPIC70, 2009